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Closer Than Ever

Wondering what progress our Afghan Refugee Sponsorship Team is making? We have good news! Five members of the team spent the day at Catholic Charities in Jefferson City in volunteer training. We got good information, and we learned we will have a caseworker and a family as soon as all our volunteers complete the online training and documents! This family is already in Columbia, so all the initial tasks have been done with them: housing, furnishings, welcome meal, and many other things. We will be responsible for their ongoing socialization, transportation to appointments, shopping with the family for groceries and items they still need, providing childcare on occasion, regular check-ins with the family, and enjoying tea with them. We do not yet know the number of family members and their ages.

Unfortunately, another refugee crisis is unfolding in eastern Europe as the result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is responding. To find out how you can support their efforts, click here.

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