The story of the Magi holds a certain mystery and direction for us, calling us to observe, ponder and go looking for the presence of God in our world. Over the last decade many people have focused on a Word for the year as a practice to extend this observation of one aspect of our lives throughout the different seasons and passing of time. Christians like us have been calling them Star Words in an effort to make this a more spiritual experience. We choose a word and observe our lives alongside this word, and along the way, we let the word whisper to us guidance from God or lead us to find evidence of God's activity in our lives.
Like a star lighting the way, the word leads us to The Word of God and brings the Light of Christ into our everyday experiences.
We believe our God is a communicating God. We will not experience angels or stars or flaming bushes or dreams or still small voices, unless we are open to receiving them.
Choosing a word, opens a door to receiving direction. Like a sailor finding her way on the ocean, we look to the stars to show us the way, but just like Maui says, when he instructs Moana about wayfinding, "It's not just sails and knots, it's seeing where you're going in your mind. Knowing where you are by knowing where you've been."
This year we offer you a few different ways to choose your word:
First of all, since our special Epiphany Brunch will be postponed a week, you can begin thinking about your spiritual, physical, and mental goals are by using this coloring and ideas sheet or stop by the church later in the week to pick up a word.
Secondly, you can come to worship on January 12th, when we will offer words to be chosen during communion. After receiving the bread and juice, you will be able to select a card displayed on a table or randomly draw one from a basket.
Also, if you would like to randomly receive a word from home, please email Pastor Kati( and she will select a few words that might interest you.
Finally, if you would like a card by mail, please call the office, and we will send a star word card to you, or Pastor Kati can bring you one with a visit.
“Holy Spirit, whisper a word to my heart. Loving Savior, whisper a word to my gut. Curious Creator, whisper a word to my mind.”