Food, Mission Projects, Craft, Bible Study & Games

Sunday School

Sunday School begins @ 9:30am
Worship begins @10:30am
*Early Childhood Center open for care
@ 9:00am
Contact Audra for information
Child, Youth and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy
We are committed to the protection of all who enter our care and other persons participating in the activities and programs of First Presbyterian. As part of our congregation's baptismal vows we covenant with each other to take responsibility for the nurture of faith. As such, the members of this church have pledged to uphold one another. In the spirit of Christ we teach, strengthen and support the individual's relationship within the church family. As our baptismal vows imply we also undertake to preserve the integrity of each person within our church family. First Presbyterian Church is committed to the sanctity of all. A well-implemented policy protects all of those working, volunteering and learning in the church. This Policy covers any person employed by or volunteering at First Presbyterian Church in any capacity involving children, youth and vulnerable adults and all outside organizations using First Presbyterian facilities for children or youth programs.

We had a great week at Vacation Bible School.