Endowed in memory of FPC members Wilbur and June Haseman, the Haseman Lectures bring thought-provoking speakers to Columbia to stimulate interest in the Bible, Christian theology, and spirituality.
Haseman Lectures
2024 Dates: October 12 & 13
"From Scarcity to Abundance: Reimagining the Vitality of the Church's Impact!" with
Rev. Dr. Victor Aloyo
Today's most critical challenges stem not from tyrannical regimes or oppressive governments, but from the subtle influences that have seeped into our churches alongside the cultural norms we've inherited. Confronting the current challenges impacting the Church demands an acknowledgment of the paradox it confronts—crisis, stability, and transformation. Disregarding the gravity of these crises breeds complacency and undermines our message. Overlooking the stability of Jesus's promise breeds fruitless fear and anxiety. Neglecting our call to transformation results in irrelevance while the world seeks something transformative. These lectures aim to unveil the opportunities within every challenge and to embrace the trials that come with every opportunity in order to reinvigorate the Church's impact!
The Rev. Dr. Victor Aloyo, Jr., is Columbia Theological Seminary's eleventh President and Professor of Practical Theology. Drawing on his experiences as a pastor, educator, community organizer, and higher education administrator, Dr. Aloyo will weave together certain key biblical and theological principles to imagine and contemplate the abundance of God's presence in a time riddled by fear and scarcity.
“I am drawn to Columbia Theological Seminary because I believe with its long and rich history, it is positioned to serve a vital purpose of leading the theological academy by preparing people for innovative, creative, and substantive leadership. With the collaboration of trustees, students, faculty, administrators, alumni, community organizers, faith leaders, and donors, I intend to serve to equip the saints for ministry. The vision statement speaks to my passion for continuing to explore and model how God intersects our common call at all levels.”

Lecture Series Events Schedule

9:00 am-10:30 am Session 1: Ramsey Center, FPC
10:30 am Snack Break
10:45 am-12:15 pm Session 2: Ramsey Center, FPC
Session 1: "Trends and Possibilities"
Even before the onset of COVID-19, the landscape of society has been dramatically reshaped by social change and migratory movements. These shifts have profoundly impacted institutions such as the Church, its theological academy, and higher education establishments across the United States. Our world is witnessing unprecedented interconnectedness, uniting individuals from diverse backgrounds, ideologies, and orientations. The ramifications of ethnic violence, religious conflicts, struggles for sovereignty, and urban unrest extend far beyond localities, encompassing both national and global spheres, including the realm of higher education. In this context, it is crucial to analyze the various trends that are influencing the very essence of the Church's message.
Session 2: "Going Deeper in Mission: Casting Nets in Unchartered Waters"
Drawing from Luke 5:4 and Psalm 42, the phrase "deep waters" symbolizes the power of unwavering praise in the midst of chaos and uncertainty. We find ourselves in a crucial transitional phase where the traditional outreach of the Church falls short in engaging with our globalized world and its diverse makeup. As a result, conventional institutional structures and ministry practices are proving inadequate in tackling today's complex challenges. It's time to embrace new and innovative approaches to ministry and seize the exciting opportunities they present.
Saturday, October 12th
Special Events
12:30 pm Saturday
Free College Lunch
in the Chez
Have you ever thought about going to seminary? Come and ask all your questions, and get some free food!
10:30 am Worship
Dr. Aloyo will preach for our worship service in the Sanctuary.
Sunday, October 13th
9am-10:15 Session 3: Ramsey Center, FPC
10:30am Worship Service, Sanctuary
Session 3: "The Call for Bold, Innovative, and
Fearless Leaders"
For far too long, we have allowed the Word of God to be separated from the work of God. As the Church, we are called to embody the entirety of Christ's teachings and mission. Let's delve into the opportunities for renewal that have historically preceded every new reformation. The awakening and reformation of the global Church can continue to progress, embracing renewals that pave the way for reimagining the Church's impact. We need to nurture bold, innovative, and fearless leaders who can address the pressing social challenges of our time.
October 28, 2023
10 AM Lecture:
“Models for Dealing with the Other”
2 PM Lecture:
“Christian Participation in a Pluralistic World”
October 29, 2023
9:30 AM Adult Sunday School
Open Discussion of Lecture Topics & Book
10:30 AM Worship Sermon:
“The Blessing of Babel"
A big THANK YOU to the 2023 Haseman Lecturer, the Rev. Dr. Damayanthi Niles. Ordained as a Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Dr. Niles is the Professor of Constructive Theology (Allen and Dottie Miller Professor of Mission and Peace) for Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis, MO. Her writing and research have been focused on constructive and contextual theology. She has taught courses on foundational theology, missiology, and post-colonial thought. She has also served as the research associate of the Christianity in Asia Project at the Centre for Advanced Religious and Theological Studies at Cambridge University, United Kingdom. Dr. Niles brings to her classes a unique perspective as a “true citizen of the world.” Having lived, worked, and studied in several countries, she can offer international insights and interpretations on theological issues. Dr. Niles was inducted into the Martin Luther King Collegium of Scholars at Morehouse College in 2008. Her publications include Doing theology with Humility Generosity and Wonder: A Christian Theology of Pluralism. Dr. Niles was born in Jaffna Sri-Lanka. Her degrees include a Bachelor of Arts from St. Olaf College, a Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. She joined the Eden Seminary faculty in 2000.
2024 Haseman Lectures
We are also pleased to announce that the 2024 Haseman Lecturer October 12-13 will be the Rev. Dr. Victor Aloyo. Ordained as a Minister of the Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Dr. Aloyo is the 11th President of Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA. Dr. Aloyo grew up in Brooklyn, NY and is the son of the late Esperanza Aloyo and Victorino Aloyo from Vieques, Puerto Rico. He has been married to Suzette Aloyo for thirty-six years, and they are blessed with two daughters, Kayla Cristen, an aerospace engineer working in Huntsville, AL, and Alyssa Nicole, serving as an EDI administrator at The Steve Fund in Nashville, TN. Before being called to Columbia, Victor served as the Chief Diversity Officer and Associate Dean of Institutional Diversity and Community Engagement at Princeton Theological Seminary and Organizing/Lead Pastor of La Iglesia Presbiteriana Nuevas Fronteras. Victor received a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies and Sociology from the College of New Rochelle, a Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary and a Doctorate in Higher Education Administration from the University of Pennsylvania, focusing his dissertation on navigating diversity and inclusion within a framework of social justice.
Previous lecturers have included Amy Plantinga Paul, Rodger Nishioka, Richard Mouw, Anna Case-Winters, and John Bell.
Stay tuned for more information about lecture topics by our 2024 Haseman Lecturer!
Recordings of the 2023 Haseman Lectures
"How to be Good Neighbours: A Christian Theology for a Pluralistic World"

Rev. Dr. Damayanthi Niles
2023 Haseman Lecturer
Rev. Dr. Victor Aloyo
2024 Haseman Lecturer