Loaves & Fishes
Loaves & Fishes offers a free meal for the hungry each evening from 4:30-5:30 p.m.
The meal is prepared and served at their new location: 1509 Ashley St. Columbia, MO 65201. First Presbyterian Church serves on the 4th Thursday of each month, and you will want to arrive at 4pm or just before.
Click here to volunteer to serve and/or donate food items with us!

Saturday Cafe
We provide a hot, free, and delicious meal on Saturdays from November through March for anyone in the community who needs a warm breakfast in a quite safe place. Click here to volunteer to serve and/or donate food items with us!

Partners in Education
First Presbyterian is a Partner in Education with Benton Elementary. We love to support the teachers, staff, children, and families at Benton!

Coyote Hill
Coyote Hill Christian Children’s Home exists to provide a professional, yet traditional home environment
for abused and neglected children. First Presbyterian supports Coyote Hill through monetary donations, gifts and through volunteerism.